International Journal of Electronics and Applied Research (IJEAR), is a part of the academic wing of the Electronic Scientist and Engineers Society (ESES) . This Society founded in 1984, initially aimed at promotion and dissemination of information in Electronic Science and Engineering, the most important areas of public interest. Subsequently, the society had enlarged its scope of involvement in other disciplines associated with the field of electronics. The ESES contributes in initiating research through publishing books of science relevant to the aims of the Society. As a further promotion of its activity, the society has launched a research journal the IJEAR. The journal publishes basic research articles related to state of the art electronic circuits & systems and application oriented research relevant to electronics, physics and associated disciplines covering the following topics:
- State of the art Electronic system design and application (LIDAR, DIAL, SODAR, Wind profiler, RADAR, Satellites , Sensors, Microwave based systems like Radiometer.
- New approaches in design and working of basic Electronic circuits and systems.
- Approaches and methods using Electromagnetic techniques for identification of Natural Hazards like Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanic eruption, Cyclone, Worst weather spells.
- Signal processing and Data mining (speech & image processing ; DTW, neural network, Botnet detection etc ; statistical data analysis.)
- Understanding on Physics and dynamics of the atmosphere and near earth environment towards better predictability of climatic modification ; aerosol - cloud interactive processes : observations through remote sensing systems , model and analytical computation.
- High mode programming.
The society also keeps provision of inducting topics in addition to those mentioned in the list above, in special issues related to ESES workshops and seminars. The journal aims at to encourage young scientists and engineers to involve themselves in research activities in the defined areas by providing an easy access to the work of International repute. It also offers a platform to the academic community mainly of developing countries to be abreast with the modern research and technical scenario in the stated disciplines at a relatively reduced cost. The Society keeps a provision to publish a periodic compilation of best published papers in the form of Books.